Question: How effective is Applied Behavio(u)r Analysis for people with Autism?


Plain language summary

The effectiveness of "Applied Behavioural Analysis" (ABA) for autism compared to any other intervention was inconclusive due to the quality of research evidence available. However one study included in this summary suggests' "Pivotal Response Treatment" (PRT) is significantly more effective than ABA for improving communication outcomes for people with Autism.

Clinical and research implications

No definite clinical implications may be made based on the evidence included in this BEST summary. It was highlighted that further high quality studies are required that are appropriately powered, use-no treatment controls or match treatment intensity and duration across groups, and that evaluate broader outcomes. We also suggest that any further meta-analyses of studies in this field of research consider evaluating groups of studies that share the same type of comparison group.


What do guidelines say?

No relevant NICE guidelines were identified regarding behaviour analysis. However NICE (CG170) recommends the following for challenging behaviour in children with autism;

"If no coexisting mental health or behavioural problem, physical disorder or environmental problem has been identified as triggering or maintaining the behaviour that challenges, offer the child or young person a psychosocial intervention (informed by a functional assessment of behaviour) as a first-line treatment"


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