Question: In adults with bipolar disorder, how effective are group therapies and interventions, compared to individual therapies and interventions, in improving patient outcomes?


Plain language summary

Two systematic reviews and one randomised controlled trial were included in this summary, which demonstrated that more well-conducted trials are required to know the efficacy of group interventions, compared to individual interventions, for adults with bipolar disorder.

Clinical and research implications

No definite clinical implications may be made based on the evidence included in this BEST summary. It appears that very few studies have directly compared individual versus group therapies in adults with bipolar disorder. A number of studies reported in two systematic reviews did compare either individual or group therapies with treatment as usual (TAU) as the comparator, but it was not clearly reported was TAU was. It is possible that some of these studies could be relevant to this BEST summary if TAU involved either group or individual therapy. Study authors consistently reported that well-conducted trials of psychosocial interventions as adjuncts to pharmacological maintenance treatments are required.

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