Question: For patients with eating disorders, how effective are psychoeducation groups, compared with any other intervention, for improving patient outcomes?


Two small, poor quality trials provided evidence for this question. There was some evidence that a computer-based health education package increased both knowledge and positive attitudes in patients with anorexia, bulimia or both; and that adding CBT to group psycho-education could reduce binging and purging episodes in patients with bulimia. However, neither trial directly compared group psycho-education with an appropriate comparator. They were also both small (54 and 58 patients) with some limitations in their reporting therefore further research using well-designed RCTs is warranted. One trial had an initial non-randomised component which found that bulimic patients who were not in remission from binging and purging after the group psycho-education were significantly more depressed and symptomatic and recommended that further research is needed into treatment options for these patients.

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